> Hello, World!
> I'm

About me

My name is Gustavo, I live in Fernandópolis-SP and I'm currently a Software Developer. I started my career in the technology area during technical education in Computing for the Internet at Etec Profº Armando José Farinazzo, where I acquired knowledge in programming, web development and other areas related to information technology.

Currently, I am studying Bachelor of Science in Information Systems at the federal public institute of education, science and technology (IFSP), in Votuporanga-SP, and applying my knowledge, where I am continuously learning and growing in the profession. With these trainings, I seek to expand my skills and knowledge in the IT area, in order to become a competent and qualified professional in my area of expertise.

Some of my knowledge is acquired through the communities I am a member of. Among them is He4rt Developers, considered one of the largest developer communities in Brazil, which exists with the objective of democratizing access to education with software and technology development didactic materials that are developed and distributed free of charge by community members.
Another organization that I am very proud to be part of is Java Noroeste, a community of Java programming language enthusiasts that is responsible for organizing events about the technology in the northwest region of the state of São Paulo, thus sharing knowledge and strengthening the network of programmers in the region

As a goal, I intend to achieve a good position in the area of software development, learning more and improving my interpersonal relationships


Below are some technologies with which I have had contact in my professional and academic career:

Where to find me?

If you want to get in touch with me, these are the places you can find me: